First Years preschool in Venice, CA
First Years preschool in Venice believes each child walks along a path that is right for them.


A good preschool teacher draws on gifts they are given from deep inside, the ability to connect with love and intelligence. To this add flexibility, patience, a passion for learning, the ability to work well with people and a warm sense of humor. These are all aspects of character and temperament. This is what we look for at First Years. Training can be provided in teaching skills and philosophic approach but they rest on arid ground if character and temperament do not match the needs of early childhood education.

At First Years we have a strong staff of teachers who work together as teams, two in the morning and two in the afternoon in each classroom. They are our most valuable resource. Our staff stays an average of seven years and we cultivate their longevity with us and their development. We expect that they will continue to hone their skills as early childhood educators through courses, work shops and in-service training. As an accredited program our staff meets the rigorous and extensive standards set down by NAEYC.

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